Future Specialists Speak


Who is Graphic Designer?

Graphic Design is more than just an arrangement of colors, shapes, and text on a digital canvas or a printed page. Graphic Design is about conveying messages, ideas, and emotions through visual means, whether it’s through a logo, a website layout, a poster, or even an advertisement.

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Grand Candy

«Grand Candy» company is one of the largest food industry enterprises in the Republic of Armenia. It was founded in 2000 by Hrant Vardanyan. By launching new workshops and increasing the number of work places, production and sales volumes year by year, the products of «Grand Candy» company have a significant position in the confectionery market of the Republic of Armenia.

Currently, «Grand Candy» company, with about 23 hectares of industrial area, produces more than 400 products. Moreover, «Grand Candy» company carries out the printing of all materials and labels necessary for confectionery packaging and the production of containers in its own printing house and plastic container workshop.

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Vox pop

Vox pop

Do you find it easy to get to sleep?

I have no trouble falling asleep when I’m tired. My body and mind are tired, so I usually sleep without any trouble. When I’m really exhausted, I’m usually fall asleep right after getting into bed.

What people can do to make sure they get a good night’s sleep?

I think that develop a sleep routine and keep to a regular sleep schedule is right. Avoid large meals and caffeine close to bedtime are all recommended. During the day, maintain an active lifestyle and use relaxation methods to reduce stress.

Weird workplace rules

«No Email Fridays»

On Fridays, employees are prohibited from sending internal emails within the company. Instead, they’re encouraged to communicate face-to-face.

«Swap Seats Every Month»

Employees are required to change their seating arrangements within the office every month, moving to a different desk or workspace.

«Random Acts of Kindness Day»

Once a month, the workplace designates a «Random Acts of Kindness Day» where employees perform unexpected acts of kindness for their colleagues.

«Silent Hour»

During a designated hour each day, employees refrain from verbal communication. They communicate solely through written means like notes, messaging apps, or emails.

«You can’t carry your personal phones during the office hours»

You can’t carry your personal phones during the office hours:
One important rule followed in organizations is the employees are not allowed to carry personal phones along with them. In the case of emergencies too, employees are restricted from using personal phones and they are asked to leave the phone if they are found with personal gadgets.

Business English Role Plays



You work for a medium-sized company. Staff motivation is a major problem. Your boss has asked you and your partner to come up with some ideas to help the staff become more motivated.

With partner, brainstorm ideas to re-motivate the employees and decide which you would like to implement.


Employee 1: Hi there! So, our boss wants us to brainstorm ideas to improve staff motivation. What do you think might work?

Employee 2: Hi there! Although it’s been difficult lately, I think that acknowledging our team’s efforts could have a big effect. Introducing a program for employee recognition could be the solution. It might significantly increase motivation.

Employee 1: That sounds excellent! Additionally, I believe that communication may be the answer. How about setting up regular team meetings and suggestion channels?

Employee 2: Absolutely! Investing in professional development opportunities could show our commitment to our team’s growth. Workshops or training sessions might ignite their passion for learning and development.

Employee 1: So many fantastic ideas! Which one should we focus on first?

Employee 2: Let’s write down our ideas and try to put them into one and then present it to our director

Employee 1: I suggest that we develop our ideas one by one and present them separately. I don’t think it’s worth putting them all together․

Employee 2: Well, you’re right. Now, let’s get to the point.

Types of Boredom

Boredom is a complex emotional state experienced by individuals across various walks of life. Understanding the types of boredom can help human psychology, behavior.

Reactant Boredom

This type of boredom arises when individuals feel coerced into a task or situation. Reactant boredom may call feelings of frustration, leading individuals to resist the imposed task or environment.

Apathetic Boredom

Individuals experiencing this type of boredom may feel emotionally detached, with a lack of interest or motivation in almost everything around them. It plunges individuals into emotional detachment and indifference

Searching Boredom:
This type of boredom arises when individuals actively seek stimulation and motivation. Searching boredom can be constructive if it motivates individuals to explore new opportunities or hobbies.

The impact of social opinion

Individuals are frequently influenced by social opinion. The impact can be positive or negative.

First, what exactly is social opinion?

The prevailing views of a group of people within a community are referred to as public opinion.

Social opinion does not remain constant over time. Changes in the advancement of knowledge and information also contribute to development. The media, family, and peers are frequently used to shape social opinion.

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The Bent Spoon Award

ASI_Bent_Spoon_AwardThe Bent Spoon Award is not widely recognized as an official or prestigious award like many other awards. it is a skeptic award given by various skeptic and rationalist groups to people or organizations that have supported pseudoscience, paranormal claims, or other questionable beliefs.

The phrase «Bent Spoon» is a play on Uri Geller, an Israeli performer claim that he could bend spoons with paranormal abilities in the 1970s.

Skeptical organizations may use the Bent Spoon Award as a humorous way to highlight individuals or organizations that promote pseudoscientific claims. The recipients of the Bent Spoon Award are typically not pleased to receive it, as it is intended to be a form of criticism for their promotion of questionable beliefs.

Vox Pop

Watch Vox Pop answer the questions in written form.

What do you think are essential qualities for finding a job at the moment and why?

I think that essentials for job enclude many aspects in our nowdays professions. For first, employee must have soft skills such as comunications, team-work, problem-solving and adaptability. In my opinion all this points is really important. But I want to talk about problem solving skill. If you can solve a problem cleverly, employers probobly high value your work way.

Do you think it’s important to plan for future? Why/why not?

Of course, because planning helps set goals, spend your time effectively. We can say that planning makes you more punctual. Planning is important, but it’s essential to balance between planning and living in present. Over-planning it’s not productive, therefore it’s valuable to plan and also be free and live you life unexpected moments.