Vox Pop

Watch Vox Pop answer the questions in written form.

What do you think are essential qualities for finding a job at the moment and why?

I think that essentials for job enclude many aspects in our nowdays professions. For first, employee must have soft skills such as comunications, team-work, problem-solving and adaptability. In my opinion all this points is really important. But I want to talk about problem solving skill. If you can solve a problem cleverly, employers probobly high value your work way.

Do you think it’s important to plan for future? Why/why not?

Of course, because planning helps set goals, spend your time effectively. We can say that planning makes you more punctual. Planning is important, but it’s essential to balance between planning and living in present. Over-planning it’s not productive, therefore it’s valuable to plan and also be free and live you life unexpected moments.